Section Length
1: Topic introduction 15 min
2: Hands-on and material exploration 40 min
3: Discussion and reflection activity 20 min
4: Wrap-up and next session 5 min
Workshop length 1:30 min

1: Topic introduction

  • Review
  • Looking at logic. Download examples here.

2: Hands-on and material exploration

  • In pairs, make inverse programs.
  • Add an element of timing to the object you made yesterday.
  • Interactivity: can you make a sketch with two inputs?
    • E.g. a rollover button and a clickable button, or a keypress and a mouse click.

3: Discussion and reflection activity

Brainstorm games

  • Come up with a simple single player game. Try to keep the mechanic and interaction as simple as possible to start out.
  • Using paper and pens, make a prototype or storyboard.
  • Mechanics
    • What is the goal? What does the player do?
    • How do you win or finish?
  • Details
    • How do you detect if the player is achieving the goal?
    • How do you communicate to the player how they are doing?
    • Are there different states? Playing mode/game over? Levels?
    • Does the game involve timing?
    • What are the smaller problems you need work through to tackle the bigger problem?


4: Wrap-up and next session

  • We will start building our games, and look at incorporating sound, images and text.
next: Monday 15 August